I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. A Master of Arts degree in clinical and psychological services and a post-Master’s Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy were awarded from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Prior to my training as a psychotherapist I worked as a depression coach for a managed care company and as an executive in corporations and advertising agencies.
I work with adults, couples, and families and am open and affirming of alternative life styles and love relationships. I have clinical experience working with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues and am a current member of the Minnesota LGBT Mental Health Providers Network.
I have several years’ clinical experience working with issues of grief, loss, trauma, and transition. Additional training in trauma was attained through the Upper Midwest Traumatology Training Institute.
- Current member on the University of Minnesota Medical Reserve Corps Crisis Response Team.
- Certified as a critical incident stress manager through ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)
- Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator through Green Cross
- Certified Field Traumatologist through Green Cross.
- EMDR certified (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) A treatment technique to assist in healing from current and past trauma and loss.
I am experienced in working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and rape.
Many of my clients have issues of substance abuse and I work closely with them on relapse prevention.
I work primarily using psychodynamic theories, insight therapy, but I believe each client has unique needs and use other approaches based on the needs of each individual or couple. For example, for those clients in recovery from alcohol or drug abuse I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and work with a model designed by Terence Gorski for relapse prevention. When a client has symptoms of trauma including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) I may use a technique called EMDR (Eye movement desensitization reprocessing) to assist in his/her healing.