Heteroflexible Therapy, LTD
Who am I?
Couples Counseling
How long will I see you?
LGBTQQ Services
Common Reactions to Grief
Trauma versus Grief
Substance Abuse and Relapse Prevention
What about medications?
Client Bill of Rights
Do you accept insurance?
Client Bill of Rights

Heteroflexible Therapy, Ltd.
3137 Hennepin Ave So. Minneapolis, MN 55408
Office #: 612-275-1657


Consumers of Marriage and Family services offered by Marriage and Family Therapists licensed by the State of Minnesota have the right to:

  1. Expect that a therapist has met the minimum qualifications of training and experience required by law.
  2. Examine public records maintained by the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy which contain the credentials of the therapist;
  3. Obtain a copy of the Code of Ethics from State Register & Public Documents Division, Department of Administration, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55155;
  4. Report complaints to the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy, University Park Plaza Building, 2829 University Avenue S.E., Suite 330, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55414-3222;
  5. Be informed of the cost of professional services before receiving the services;
  6. Privacy as defined by the rule and law;
  7. Be free from being the subject of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, or other unlawful category while receiving services;
  8. Have access to their records as provided in the Minnesota Statutes, section 144.335, subdivision 2, and
  9. Be free from exploitation for the benefit or advantage of the therapist.


Heteroflexible Therapy, Ltd.                                            Client Bill of Rights


Home | LGBTQQ Services | Couples Counseling | Trauma Vs. Grief | Substance Abuse and Replase Prevention
Connie Studer, M.A., LMFT

3137 Hennepin Avenue South #104, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408
Email: connie@hftherapy.com , 612-275-1657